What are the different options and quotas I can subscribe to ?

Documentation > General information > What are the different options and quotas I can subscribe to ?
  • Available with
  • Tailored
  • Team

About iTop options and quotas

Please note that iTop free is currently sold out.


To personalize our offers, we offer additional options and quotas that are available from iTop Team. 

You can subscribe directly through your iTop portal by going through your services catalog in the "xx" tab and selecting the relevant quotas or options. 


Summary table of quotas and options available for each offer: 

iTop Free
iTop Team iTop Tailored
CMDB Up to100 CIs Unlimited 
Unlimited included
Size of the database 2 Gb 5 Gb 20 Gb
Number of
support agents

Up to 3 
(upgrade required
beyond that)

1 pack of 5 included Unlimited
Assistance services Community Included and
On demand
Backup 1 backup a day 
saved for 48h
1 backup a day
saved for 7 days
Restoration On demand On demand On demand


Pricing policy 

CMDB Unlimited CIs 5€ HT / month / user
Database 5GB Coming soon
Users Pack of 5 users 100€ HT / month
960€ HT / year
Success pack Hours Coming soon
Backup Days Coming soon
Restoration Number of restorations Contact us


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